Friday and Saturday morning January 26 and 27

During the Grand Prix d'Amérique weekend, which is held every year at Vincennes, the Domaine de Grosbois opens its doors to trotting professionals from all over the world and to visitors in general. For the modest price of 5€/person, the general public can visit the trotting museum and discover freely the racehorse training center.

A map with an internet link will be provided at the entrance when you pay your admission fee. This link will enable you to access an audioguide in English on your smartphone.

WARNING ! for safety reasons, it's still forbidden to walk, drive or park on the horse paths and speedways ; it's also forbidden to go in the woods or enter the racing stables where trainers, lads and other stable employees live and work. Priority to horses and speed limited to 30km.  

DATES: Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27, 2024

SCHEDULE: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 

46 avenue de Grosbois

normal rate : €5/person
free admission: €0 (under 18 years old* and French trotting socio-professionals*)

* on presentation of proof: identity card and French trotting socioprofessional card.

- for easy access book ahead at the following email address : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

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